Leverage a library of prebuilt
data connectors
Simple toolkit for
composing data pipelines
A platform to run, monitor, and
manage data automations
What if connecting new systems
to your enterprise took hours not months?
Methane Emissions Use Case
In this real world example, an operator needed to fuse and process data streams from multiple methane sensor platforms.
With PetroBricks this automation took less than an hour to create.

Your Dedicated
Node Runs In Your
Data Center
Every customer gets their own dedicated instance. PetroBricks can run on a server behind your firewall, on your AWS or Azure cloud,
or even locally on your desktop. You are in complete control of where your node runs, and where your data is stored.
Frac Data Use Case
An operator needs to keep their data lake in sync with
Well Data Labs Job Headers and Stage Summaries.
Again, with PetroBricks this takes less than an hour to implement.

When an automation fails,
do you notice?
Network outages, server failures, even web API changes. Things happen, automations fail. PetroBricks monitors every automation so you'll know and react when things go wrong.

Truck Tracker Use Case
Here PetroBricks is being used to receive real-time location and load data from custom truck sensors via webhook.
PetroBricks inspects the data stream, generates events when a truck starts or stops and saves everything to the data lake.